Saturday, 13 September 2014

Want to copy files/directories from one server to another using SSH?

Want to copy files/directories from one server to another using SSH?

Following are two way to copy files/directories from one server to another server over SSH.

Copy content from a directory:

scp -P < SSH port number of remote server> < files path on local server> < ip/host of remote server>:< path to copy files/directories>

e.g. scp -P 22 /home/

Copy content from directory and the contents of any directory inside that directory

scp -P < SSH port number of remote server> -r < files path on local server> < ip/host of remote server>:< path to copy files/directories>

e.g. scp -P 22 -r /home/cpfiles/


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    1. Okay, stay connected will update more amazing tips


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