Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Enable 'HTML Manager'- Apache Tomcat

 Enable 'HTML Manager'- Apache Tomcat

Go to Apache-tomcat's home directory and edit the tomcat-users.xml


Add/uncomment the below lines in tomcat-users.xml and save it.

<role rolename="admin"/>

<role rolename="admin-gui"/>

 <role rolename="manager"/>

 <role rolename="manager-gui"/>

<user username="uname" password="password" roles="admin,admin-gui,manager,manager-gui"/>

Note: Replace the username and password as per your choice.

Give a try to access the html manager using the below url.


Feed the username and password if prompted.

If you are getting the error - 403 Access Denied , then try below to fix it.

Goto the manager project directory and edit the context.xml


comment the tag- Valve , OR seed your ip in the allow variable.

Enable 'HTML Manager'- Apache Tomcat

 Enable 'HTML Manager'- Apache Tomcat Go to Apache-tomcat's home directory and edit the tomcat-users.xml ${apache_home}/conf/tom...